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The motto of the National Service Scheme is “Not Me But You”, this reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the needs for selfless service it shows that the welfare of an individual’s ultimately dependent on the welfare of society on the whole.


The symbol of the National Service Scheme is based on the wheel of the Konark Sun Temple situated in Orissa. The Wheels of the Sun Temple portray the creation & signify the movement in life across time and space. It signifies the progressive cycle of life as well as implies the continuous striving of NSS for social transformation and upliftment.


The NSS symbol is embossed on the NSS badge. The eight bars repre ent 24 hrs of the day. It reminds to be in readiness for service of the nation. The Red colour indicates the active energy and high spirit. The navy blue colour indicates the contribution shared for the welfare of the mankind.

The main intention of NSS Programme is to change the Attitude of Volunteers through various activities within the Institution and Society. The Ministry has framed the following NSS Programmes to give Life Skills Education to the Volunteers.

  • Regular Activities
  • Special Camping Programmes
  • Other Programmes

Regular Activities:

The Programme Officer has to conduct theses activities within the Institution 240 hours in a year. There is a misconception that Sramadhanam, Plantation, Blood Donation and AIDS Awareness are only the Regular Activities. But the NSS Programme Officer can also conduct the other Regular Activities as per the academic background of the Volunteer. The Regular Activities should be covered Communication Skills, Career Counseling, Passport taking formalities, Abroad Education information, Placement Information, Legal Awareness, Law and Order, Global Warming, Supporting to Government Programmes, Health and Hygiene. These Programmes should be conducted besides identified activities of the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports. If we conduct these programmes even now NSS Volunteers are also attracted towards NSS. The Main intention of these programmes is to identify sincere, disciplined and talented Volunteers for State and National Level Programmes.

Special Camping Programmes :

From December 2008 onwards Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports has decided to conduct the Special Camping Programme for 7 days instead of 10 days for the same amount of expenditure of Rs. 22,500/- each camp as per the convenience of the NSS Volunteer and Programme Officer. The Ministry has given time schedule for every day for 7 days. There are six activities to be executed, to bring the change in attitude of the Volunteers.

  • 6 am to 7 am - Physical Exercise
  • 9 am to 12 Noon - Project work (Sramadhanam)
  • 2 pm to 4 pm - Talent Programmes awareness (Lectures, Essay Writing, Elocution, Education Competition)
  • 4:30 pm to 6 pm - Games & Sports
  • 6:30 pm to 8 pm - Village contact
  • 9 pm to 10 pm - Cultural activities.

The prime aim of Special Camp is that the Volunteers should become good citizens by learning the life skills in the Special Camping Programme. They have to learn friendly and adjusting attitude, Tolerance, Dignity of Labour, Significance of Health, Inherent Skills importance, Communication Skills, Leadership Qualities, Personal Discipline, Society Concern etc. Besides attitude change, the Programme Officer should identify the talented and skilled Volunteers for University, State, National and International Level Programmes.

Other Programmes :

Apart from Regular activities and Special Camping Programmes, some specially designed Programmes are in practice for exposure of the Volunteers.

    University Level :

  • Youth Leadership Training Programmes
  • Youth Festivals
  • Mega Camps
  • One day Workshop
    National Level :
  • National Integration Camp
  • National Youth Festival
  • National Youth Exchange Programme
  • National Adventure Training Programme
  • Pre-Republic Day Parade Camp
  • Republic Day Parade Camp
  • Common Wealth Games
    International Level :
  • International Level Youth Delegate Programmes
  • International Level Youth Cultural Exchange Programme

Incentives to Volunteers :

In order encourage the NSS Volunteers and NSS Programme Officers, in the State Level Advisory Committee Meeting held on 30-12-2008 an item moved on incentives in NSS. The participants of State Level Advisory Committee Meeting 2008 opined that the incentives should be inform in all the Universities the Volunteers should be given preference in EAMCET, EDCET, ICET and U.G. Admissions. The details of a few incentives as recommended by the committee incorporated therein.

Awards :

The Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports is instituting Awards at State Level and Central Level in order to appreciate the Programme Coordinators, Programme Officers and Volunteers on the basis of their commendable performance in NSS. The details are given below.

  • National Level : Indira Gandhi NSS National Awards are instituted by Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India every year after obtaining proposals from all State and Union territories. The selected functionaries NSS Programme Coordinator, NSS Programme Officers and Volunteers are felicitated by the Ministry with a Certificate, Mementos and Cash Awards.
  • State Level : State Level NSS Awards are instituted by State NSS Cell, Higher Education Department, Secretariat, Hyderabd every year after obtaining proposals from Universities. The selected functionaries of NSS Programme Coordinator, NSS Programme Officers and Volunteers are felicitated by the State Government with a Certificate and Mementos.